Live Life for the moment because everything else is uncertain! - Louis Tomlinson

Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

One direction Sprüche und Bilder :)

"What´s the cheekiest thing Niall´s ever got away with ?" Harry & Louis: "Everything he does!"

"Food was a big part of the tour for us... we saw a lot of different Nando´s."-Niall

Fan: "If you were a rapper,what would your name be?" Niall: "N Dizzle." Louis: "MC Tommo."

"When I was twelve,all my friends had girlfriends and I didn´t. I felt so lonely, I asked my mum to date me."-Niall

"A short skirt and loads of make up won´t impress me."-Harry

Liam: " I like the fact that our fans have posters of us in their room." Harry: " And I love that they get undressed in front of us!"

" A real directioner isn´t one that has millions of photos of us but it´s one who love us unconditionally."-Harry

"We were walked around the hotel and Harry looked as his watch and suddenly rushed back in.We thought something bad happened.He just wanted to watch Spongebob"-Liam

"The looks or body are not matter to me.All our fans are beautiful."-Harry


Harry und Niall backstage:

Ein Bild von Harry:

Louis und Zayn beim Konzert in Sydney:

1D Day: Freut ihr euch?

Zayn´s Tweet zum neuen Album:

Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei allen Blog Lesern bedanken. Wir haben es immerhin fast auf 30.000 Blogleser (!!!!!!) geschafft ,dass ist der HAMMER. Und auch bei allen die uns auf Twitter folgen (@Horan_Styles15) Danke ,Danke ,Danke! Ihr seid die BESTEN♥

P.S.: Schaut euch das an xD

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